PHILIPSBURG–Members of Parliament (MPs) were recently approved as members of the permanent committees of Parliament and those of the Latin American Parliament Parlatino. Some changes to the committees’ composition are expected as at least two MPs take up posts as ministers today, Tuesday.
Serving on the Committee of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI are MP Rodolphe Samuel, Ardwell Irion, Christophe Emmanuel, Emil Lee, Silvio Matser, Frans Richardson, Chanel E. Brownbill and Theo Heyliger.
On the Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs are MPs Samuel, Irion, Emmanuel, Sarah A. Wescot-Williams, Brownbill, Tamara E. Leonard, and Sidharth M. Bijlani.
Committee of Justice has as members Emmanuel, Samuel, Lee, Richardson, Brownbill, Franklin Meyers, Leonard and Claret Connor.
Members of the Committee of Public Health, Social Development and Labour are Irion, Emmanuel, Lee, Richardson, Meyers, Bijlani, and Leonard.
Committee of Finance members are MPs Samuel, Wescot-Williams, Matser, Richardson, Brownbill and Heyliger.
Serving on the Committee of Kingdom Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Relations are MPs Samuel, Wescot-Williams, Richardson and Meyers.
Committee of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication comprises MPs Irion, Emmanuel, Wescot-Williams, Richardson, Brownbill, Connor, Leonard, and Bijlani.
Committee of Petitions members are MPs Irion, Emmanuel, Wescot-Williams, and Leonard.
Ad Hoc Committee for the Preparation of the Construction of a New Building for Parliament has as members MPs Samuel, Emmanuel, Lee, Matser, Richardson, Brownbill, and Connor.
Serving on the Committee Country’s Expenditure are MPs Samuel, Irion, Wescot-Williams, Richardson, Brownbill and Bijlani.
Ad Hoc Committee Integrity members are MPs Samuel, Wescot-Williams and Meyers.
On the Committee of General Affairs is MP Leonard.
On Parlatino Committee for Economic Affairs, Social Debt and Regional Development are MPs Wescot-Williams, Brownbill and Leonard.
The Committee for Gender Equity, Childhood and Youth has as members MPs Wescot-Williams, Emmanuel, Irion, Brownbill, and Leonard.
MPs Matser and Meyers are members on the Committee for Citizen Safety, Combat and Prevention of Narco-trafficking, Terrorism and Organized Crime.
Serving on the Committee for Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Communication are MPs Lee, Samuel, Emmanuel, Irion, Matser, and Leonard.
The Committee for Agriculture, Cattle Raising and Fishery has as members from St. Maarten MPs Emmanuel, Irion, Richardson, Bijlani and Connor.
On the Committee for Environment and Tourism are MPs Lee, Samuel, Irion, Heyliger, and Leonard.
MPs Lee, Samuel and Connor are on the Committee for Health.
The Labour, Social and Legal Affairs Committee has as members MPs Lee, Samuel, Connor and Leonard.
Bijlani is the lone member on the Committee for Human Rights, Justice and Prison Policies as is Connor on the Committee for Political, Municipal Affairs and for Integration.
On the Committee of Energy and Mines are MPs Emmanuel, Irion and Heyliger.
Source: The Daily Herald
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