NA MPs Egbert Jurendy Doran and Christophe Emmanuel.
~ Riddled with scandals, not helping populace ~
PHILIPSBURG–National Alliance (NA) Members of Parliament (MPs) Egbert Jurendy Doran and Christophe Emmanuel said on Tuesday the Leona Romeo-Marlin cabinet is riddled with scandals, is incompetent, has produced little to nothing for its time in office and has failed the people of St. Maarten.
Doran went a step further and said either one, two or all the ministers should resign or “pull up their socks” and move forward.
Speaking at a press conference at the House of Parliament on Tuesday, Doran said government has failed to assist residents in fixing their roofs damaged during Hurricane Irma, yet when Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin is asked about it, she rattles off all the work done by non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). “The golden million-dollar question is what has the government done for the people,” Doran asked. He said a call was made to the Prime Minister to hold a public forum and explain to the community “what is going on,” but he said his calls have fallen on deaf ears.
Doran also alluded to the lack of sufficient hurricane shelters in the country, a matter he first raised in April 2018. Doran said while he was told at the time that discussions had been ongoing for the construction of five multi-purpose buildings to serve as shelters, no locations had been formalized. He has been unable to get answers from the Prime Minister on a plan and on where the locations would be. Another hurricane season is coming up in the next few months. Government seems to be acknowledging that there are problems, but is not doing anything to fix them, and “the people of St. Maarten deserve better,” he stressed.
He said the airport saga is another area where government has failed, noting that management should not be blamed, as clearly government is to blame.
He also alluded to “scandals” that government has attracted, including the hiring of a civil servant for a million-guilder home repair contract, questioning who did the due diligence for this project. He also alluded to the closed Philipsburg Jubilee Library, saying that Education Minister Wycliffe Smith has not disclosed his plans for this facility. The closure of the library affects “thousands” of students and others who use the facility. “Why aren’t we hearing anything from the Minister of Education on how they plan to move forward?” Doran asked.
He pointed to violence in schools and made reference to the motion passed in November last year, calling on Smith to draft and present a safe school plan to Parliament within 60 days and report on its progress within 30 days. Doran said more than 60 days have passed and the initiator of the motion which comes from the same political party as the minister has been mum on the matter. Also raised by Doran is the need for the list of government-controlled items to be implemented and concerns over former Postal Services St. Maarten (PSS) workers (see related story), amongst other things.
“We need to wake up and acknowledge the fact that we have a failing government,” Doran said, adding that while he agrees that unity is needed, some persons in government are not willing to take advice and not willing to listen.
Emmanuel said government is full of scandals and makes disastrous decisions. “It is a government of nothing. When you ask them, what have you accomplished since you are there, the Prime Minister lists everything that was done by NGOs. This is the reason the motion was tabled (against her) because they are a failing government,” Emmanuel said. “There is a general degeneration of this country under the current government we have in St. Maarten. All facets of society are suffering… In every ministry, there is a scandal and the people are quiet. How is this possible, how is this so?
It is a failure across the board of this government and it spills over here in parliament. Parliament is being held hostage by the Chairperson of Parliament (Sarah Wescot-Williams). The rules are bent and changed at her discretion. It is wrong. Absolutely wrong.”
Emmanuel said while there were many things being neglected locally, government had enough funds to end the contract with local company Henderson International and hire foreign insurance adjustors Smith Orloff & Associates to readjust government properties for hurricane damage. Smith Orloff & Associates has in turn hired a locally-based company to carry out the work on its behalf, which is the same work that Henderson International had done. Emmanuel said Henderson International has taken government to court over the matter.
“In my opinion, government should say we failed and do the honourable thing. Whether one or two of you resign or pull up your socks and move forward,” Doran noted.
Source: The Daily Herald
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