POINTE BLANCHE-Government has “secured” approximately NAf. 13 million from the country’s capital investment budget for the expansion of the Point Blanche prison as a priority project.
Justice Minister Dennis Richardson told The Daily Herald on Wednesday that the NAf. 13 million would include the supervision of the long-overdue expansion. Liccom, which had been executing projects at the prison, was awarded the project.
The expansion includes the construction of two levels on top of the present prison facility in Pointe Blanche. One level will contain 40 cells and facilities that have to be put in place based on the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment CPT. The other level will contain 18 cells for young adults ages 18-24 years, recreational facilities and other things based on the CPT report.
Richardson said the construction could start as soon as the national decree awarding the construction job was signed by the Governor. “The construction company has been mobilised at the location for some time in view of the reconstruction works carried out. Project duration is estimated at 1½ years,” Richardson said.
He said during the Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday that the prison expansion project had been prepared in 2014 and was supposed to have started in that year and to have been completed this year, but this had not been possible.
Source: The Daily Herald NAf. 13 million secured for expansion of prison
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