NAPB, ABVO say they are being treated unfairly, with no respect | THE DAILY HERALD


PHILIPSBURG–The NAPB police union and ABVO St. Maarten union said in a joint press release on Sunday that they are being treated unfairly and with no respect, and they believe it is now time for action.

  The unions are peeved with the lengthy time it is taking for their rechtspositie to be signed. The unions said that Justice Minister Cornelis de Weever should have signed the “Rechtspositie KPSM 2016” to enable the placement process of officers to start in a timely manner. According to the unions, this should have been done since they had waited nine years to see this happen and they are tired of seeing it “dragged too long for no reason.”

  It is now almost 10 years and “we don’t see no apparent reason for this.”

  ABVO and NAPB held a joint board meeting on September 18 in which they came to the conclusion that they will no longer be silent on this issue.

  “A number of issues have not been in place since 10/10/10 for officers. One of the main issues is a signed and approved Function Book which would allow all persons employed within the KPSM [Police Force of St. Maarten – Ed.] to be placed properly and [with their] corrected salary,” the unions said in the release.

  “There are a number of issues that are being discussed [that] the representing unions are not aware of and we are being totally shut out.”

  The unions alluded to a press statement issued by the Committee for Civil Servants Union (CCSU) dated September 18 that the function book was symbolically signed on June 3 and will be linked to the “Rechtspositie Korps Politie Sint Maarten of 2011.

  “This is inaccurate information, as the function book from 2011 has never been signed off [and it also] did not go through any legal channels, mainly the CCSU and the respective unions. …

  “From the time of the former Chief of Police and present Chief of Police, there was only one Rechtspositie regeling. The Rechtpositie that is being used for workers indeed is the old “Rechtpositie KPNA 2000.” This one is still in use and outdated and until the new one that the former Minister of Justice Kirindongo has worked on fell into place.”

  The unions said also that St. Maarten never had a placement and appeals committee that worked on police matters.

  “Coming in to 10/10/10, all the paperwork regarding placement, salary, etc., for the local police personnel were made up in Curaçao and handed over to the personnel. The NAPB and the ABVO stand for transparency when it comes to doing things the legal way for our members. The Minister had agreed to proceed and work with the Rechtpositie Korps Politie Sint Maarten 2016, as this is more accurate and carries all the necessary changes.”

  The unions said they had requested meetings with the Justice Minister many times to no avail.

  “There was always an excuse for this not to happen. It only happened on September 13, 2019, with the CCSU.

  “The unions find that this is no type of respect for them and their members. They are under the impression, that the Hon. Minister wants this to go his way or no other way. … The unions have been getting a lot of empty promises. The time has come for us to break our silence, and a course of action needs to be taken. It’s been way too long that we as unions are being treated unfairly and with no respect. As unions, we remain focussed and [are] observing every step.”

  The unions believe that De Weever should sign the correct “Rechtspositie KPSM 2016.”

  “It is essential to ensure the safety, security of our people and the country. It is imperative that this government start to invest in the strengthening of its law enforcement agencies.

  “Based on these latest developments, the unions plan to inform their members in due time in order to hear from them their opinions and give their unions the mandate. There comes a time when we hear a certain call, when the KPSM must come together as one. We must shoulder our responsibility and act with a sense of urgency and common purpose,” the unions said.

Source: The Daily Herald