Nightlife soon only for vaccinated and guests who tested negative | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG—To prevent the spread of Covid in the nightlife, nightlife establishments must start selection at the door of who is vaccinated and who is not.

  On August 6, Minister for Health, Social Development and Labour (USA) Omar Ottley signed a Memorandum of Intent with nightlife establishments to implement the measure in about two weeks.

  By signing the Memorandum of Intent, parties “acknowledge and underline the need for a measures of establishment to regulate business operations in a safe and responsible manner in order to maintain public health and safety."

  They agreed to scale back their business for a period of two weeks during which arrangements can be made to put in place health management systems via an app or QR codes.

  The Daily Herald understands most establishments signed off on the agreement. During the next two weeks, nightlife establishments are not allowed to organize big events or to operate their business at full capacity. Casinos, clubs, beach bars are required to promote social distancing between customers.

  Minister Ottley does not want to see any nightclubs packed despite the pandemic. The current rapidly increasing number of new Covid cases and the existence of highly contagious Covid variants are reason for the Minister of VSA to take strict measures. The emergency measures were drawn up in consultation with Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT) Ludmila de Weever.

  In the Council of Ministers press briefing of August 4, she announced that measures would be taken for the nightlife, and that these measures "will be enforced".

  According to both ministers, the current situation poses a severe threat to public health and public safety. "There is an urgent need for continued preventive measures in order to protect employees and clients," said ministers who insist on using technological solutions to manage the health information of employees and clients.

  By the end of August, the nightlife on St Maarten will no longer be accessible to people who have no proof that they do not carry the coronavirus. An electronic proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test will be requested at the door of a club or casino.  

  Persons who have not been tested up to 72 hours in advance will be able to have a rapid antigen test done at some entertainment venues on site. Which establishments will offer the rapid antigen test, and at what cost, will be announced in the coming weeks.

  According to the Memorandum of Intent, in two weeks night establishments will only be allowed to operate a full capacity if 100 percent of visitors to the club, beach bar, or casino are vaccinated. Or if "75 percent of the clientele is vaccinated, and 25 percent of the clientele can present a negative PCR test or is tested negative upon entry of the establishment." 

Source: The Daily Herald