No CFT nominee yet for soon-to-be vacant post | THE DAILY HERALD

POND ISLAND–There is no nominee yet for the soon-to-be vacant St. Maarten seat on the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT. 

  Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin said in the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on Wednesday that discussions are ongoing about the selection of a nominee. 

  She disclosed that soon-to-be former Finance Minister Michael Ferrier was asked to fill the post when it become open. Ferrier has “humbly declined” the posting. 

  St. Maarten’s seat on CFT is currently held by Maria van der Sluijs-Plantz. Her three-year term ends as of October. 

  Van der Sluijs-Plantz moves on to become the country’s representative on the Kingdom Council of State, the independent advisory body to the Dutch Kingdom Government on legislative and administrative matters.  


Source: The Daily Herald