No more payroll support for businesses in default | THE DAILY HERALD

Finance Minister Ardwell Irion


PHILIPSBURG–Businesses that failed to live up to the agreement for receiving payroll support will not be receiving any further support for the coming months, Finance Minister Ardwell Irion has made clear.

  Irion said some businesses that had been audited were found to be in default of the agreement.

  “We… continued our audits and controls on companies and we have seen some companies that were in violation. One of the requirements for SSRP [St. Maarten Stimulus, Support and Relief Plan – Ed.] was that you had to pay taxes as a company and companies that did not pay their taxes and still applied for payroll support, will not be paid out in the following months,” Irion said during the live Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday.

  “We will continue our controls. And it is unfortunate that we have this programme in place and we made it very clear on the conditions and we still had companies that were in violation. We will continue to audit these companies and again, these companies will not be paid payroll support in the following months for the violations of the previous months,” the minister said.

Source: The Daily Herald