On a mission | THE DAILY HERALD

Progressive Labour Party (PLP) members of the Island Council of St. Eustatius Clyde van Putten (right) and Reuben Merkman met with members of the Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Dutch Parliament’s First Chamber in the parliamentary complex in The Hague on Tuesday morning, June 8.

They also met with committee chairman Paul Rosenmöller (left) of green-left Party GroenLinks.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/on-a-mission


  1. This Rösenmöller is a heir of the v&d company. He got his millions when the company was still alive and kicking. Then it’s easy to say you are a leftist. Marx would have called him a salon socialist. Others call him as one of the people who ordered the killing of Pim Fortuyn.
    Clyde, you are speaking with the wrong people. These do not have the wish, nor the power, to give Statia what we all want. As with slavery, this was not abolished because of nice conversations or solely by the will of the white colonialists. Know your history! And know also in what the dutch colonial system differs from the British or French ones. Nelson Mandela said once that to get freedom, you have to fight. Amandla! Otherwise the carrot will always one meter away for your reach.
    But, you know also, Clyde, that the dutch military and marines are practicing more and more on the island. Fight does not necessarily means with arms. A complete boycott of the dutch system would do even better, and would give you the best publicity.