Orange Grove Road drainage system installation approaches completion | THE DAILY HERALD

Road users are advised to exercise caution while crews are finalising the project.


COLE BAY–The Orange Grove Road drainage system installation is nearing its final stages, marking a significant milestone in addressing persistent issues of water accumulation and road degradation in the vicinity.

    Scheduled for completion within the forthcoming weeks, this initiative holds the promise of enhancing the area’s resilience against flooding and erosion, particularly during periods of heavy rainfall and hurricane seasons, which have historically led to road damage necessitating frequent repairs.

    The implementation of the Orange Grove Road drainage system represents a crucial step forward in effectively managing water run-off, thereby reducing the risk of future flooding incidents and ensuring the longevity of road infrastructure, the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI stated. “One of its primary advantages lies in its ability to facilitate future road enhancements without the looming threat of water-induced damage.”

    By redirecting water away from roadways, maintenance efforts can now concentrate on addressing potholes through road resurfacing, VROMI stated.

    As the final phases of construction on the Orange Grove Road drainage unfold, residents and road users are advised to remain vigilant and exercise caution. Temporary disruptions to traffic flow may occur as construction crews diligently work to finalise the project.

Source: The Daily Herald