Police and Royal Dutch Marines man checkpoints | THE DAILY HERALD

Police and Royal Dutch Marines manned several checkpoints around the country on Thursday as a safety and security precaution related to Tropical Storm Isaac’s passing. The storm did not cause any adverse effects on land.

However, it did churn up the ocean and take away loads of Sargassum seaweed dumped on beaches in the past month. Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin requested the assistance of the Royal Dutch Marines ahead of the storm on Monday and 32 marines arrived from Aruba on Tuesday and Wednesday.

They joined with the Marine Detachment of St. Maarten for total of 73 members of the Navy in the Caribbean CZMCARIB on the ground. (John Halley photo)

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/80621-police-and-royal-dutch-marines-man-checkpoints