Police issue 34 fines in ongoing traffic controls | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Maarten Police Force KPSM controlled 27 cars and issued seven fines during a traffic control on Airport Road on Friday, February 11.


COLE BAY–The Police Force St. Maarten KPSM controlled a total of 83 vehicles and issued 34 fines in traffic controls on Airport Road on Friday, February 11, and Union Road on Saturday, February 12, stated police spokesperson Joe Josepha in a press release on Sunday, February 13.

  On Friday, February 11, a control was once again conducted on the Airport Road. During this traffic control, police officers stopped 27 cars and issued seven fines.

  Another round of traffic controls was carried out on Saturday, February 12, on Union Road near the French border. Here, 56 vehicles were stopped and 27 fines issued.

  Considering the ongoing traffic situation on the island, the St. Maarten police are currently conducting traffic controls in the interests of safe traffic, stated the press release.

  According to Josepha, the purpose of these actions is to provide information to the public about their driving behaviour and the consequences thereof.

  The traffic controls also aim to take action against drivers not abiding by the rules set forth in traffic ordinance and other legal regulations applicable on St. Maarten.

  KPSM warned that they will be continuously carrying out these controls, because some road users are not respecting nor obeying the traffic regulations of St. Maarten. Their behaviour has become a nuisance to the community and, more important, it endangers the lives of others, concluded the press release.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/police-issue-34-fines-in-ongoing-traffic-controls