Police looking for jogger witness

ST. JOHNS–The police are looking for “an important” female witness who was jogging in the St. John’s Estate area around 5:10pm September 14.

The woman is wanted for interviewing in connection with the murder of a man at his home at Emancipation Drive #6, St. Johns Estate, around 5:10pm Thursday, September 14, 2017.

Police spokesperson Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson said in a police press release on Monday that the police had already spoken briefly to the jogger near the crime scene. However, investigators would like to interview her. “It is very essential to the investigation for this female jogger to come forward,” Henson said in the release.

He urged anyone who is a witness in the case, who knows who the female jogger is or who has any other additional information regarding the case to come forward or call the police at tel. 542-2222 (ext. 214).

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/73648-police-looking-for-jogger-witness