Police looking for vehicle owners

PHILIPSBURG–Last year, 21 vehicles were confiscated from the yard of a suspect who was arrested for car theft and convicted of such. In October, the case went before the judge and the decision was made to return the confiscated vehicles to their rightful owners.

Attempts have been made to locate the owners of all the vehicles, according to police. There are several vehicles of which the owners are not known or did not come forward. In an attempt to trace the owners of the two remaining vehicles, police decided to call on the public for their assistance in identifying the owners of the vehicles.

Should anyone recognize the vehicles as their own, they should contact Jessica Christina at the Philipsburg Police station by calling 542-2222 ext 221 in order to claim their property. Police advises the owners to have the necessary documentation for their vehicle available when coming forward.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/61730-police-looking-for-vehicle-owners