Police Officer released pending his Court date | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–Suspect J.G. (42) was released on Friday on request of the Prosecutor’s Office in light of his medical condition. The staff member in Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin’s office was arrested at his home on July 3 in connection with the Whale case.

  The suspect will remain a suspect in the investigation were he is suspected of bribery, forgery and breach of confidentiality. His case will be handled in Court on October 17. The two other suspects are a woman M.K. (32) and a man C.K. (59). They were arrested on July 6 and released days afterward, but they remain suspects, according to the Prosecutor’s Office.

  The prosecutor acknowledged that the limited resources in the Pointe Blanche prison medical section played a role in his pre-trail release. Both the investigative judge and the lawyer agreed to the request by the Prosecutor on Friday.

  His release is under specific conditions: The suspect may have no contact with other suspects in this case. The suspect will hand over his passport and ID card to the Prosecutor’s Office. The suspect will not travel abroad without permission from the Prosecutor’s Office and the suspect will remain at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Criminal Investigation Department (Landsrecherche St. Maarten).

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/79232-police-officer-released-pending-his-court-date