Posh launches positive campaign with Queens

Posh management and Queens on Saturday.


PHILIPSBURG–Posh Productions officially launched its positive campaign with the Queens of St. Maarten this past weekend with a soup sale called “Gift A Bowl whereby residents were invited to purchase a bowl of soup at US $5 to $10. Those who purchased a $10 bowl automatically purchased a bowl of soup for a displaced person taking shelter at the Festival Village.

  Most recently, Posh has taken note of an increase in general negativity, discontent and overall gloom being shared via social media. To create some balance to this overall pessimism, Posh, under its branch foundation SXM Girls Rock and the Queens of St. Maarten have launched a movement of positivity. “St. Maarten Unite is a campaign to spread positive thoughts and actions towards one another in our community,” according to a press release by Posh on Monday.

  The campaign continues on social media where participants are members of the campaign and are asked to take a pledge to post positive quotes via all media streams and to display politeness and positivity with any- and everyone with whom they come in contact.

  SXM Girls Rock will host a march entitled “The 1,000 Women March” on Saturday, February 10. The core objective of this march is to promote unity within the population.

  “Let us band together to help one another how we can. Spread love, hope and togetherness while decreasing the bashing, blame and demotivating of one another,” stated Posh.

  The Carnival Queens will lead the march and women and girls interested in participating in the march in February are asked to visit

www.poshsxm.com/girlsrock and register.

  POSH thanked everyone who supported the soup sale and expressed special thanks to Kurt Ruan of the Festival Village for his assistance and to Joyce Gumbs for her contribution in making the delicious soups for sale.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/72011-posh-launches-positive-campaign-with-queens