Préfecture calls for projects to create, renovate guesthouses | THE DAILY HERALD


 MARIGOT–The Préfecture in partnership with the Collectivité is soliciting projects for creation, renovation, or reconstruction of guest houses, classified and unclassified, as part of support for tourism development.

  The aim is to provide direct support to these institutions through support for tangible and intangible investment and to support the launch of new service offerings, to encourage unclassified guesthouses to adopt a quality approach by linking with the territorial development and tourism development plan of 2017-2027 on reconstruction of the Collectivité and to reinforce the effort to move up the range of guesthouses already classified.

  To consult the application procedures, eligibility requirements and to get more information on this call for projects, click on the following link:

  Any additional information can be obtained by sending an email to the following persons and addresses: and

  The Préfecture also stated the deadline to submit dossiers requesting aid for rehabilitation, renovation and reconstruction of hotels and classified tourism residences has been extended to December 17, 2018, at 1:00pm.

Source: The Daily Herald