Préfet will not be implementing Macron’s health pass, for now | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–A release from the Préfecture on Monday stated Préfet Délégué Serge Gouteyron will not be implementing the health pass in St. Martin and St. Barths for now. 

  The law of August 5 on management of the health crisis established the implementation of the health pass in the whole national territory as of Monday, August 9. The decree of August 7 specifies the conditions of application in Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin.

  In the overseas Collectivités the State representative is authorised to take measures to adapt the health pass according to local circumstances.

  “To date, the Préfet of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin has not decided to implement it in the territories. When it proves useful, he will not fail to consult widely with elected officials, socio-professional actors and representatives of the civil society,” the Préfecture said.

Source: The Daily Herald