Préfète pays courtesy visit to FTPE President | THE DAILY HERALD

FTPE President Jeanne Rogers-Vanterpool with Préfète Sylvie Feucher (centre) and Jennifer Edwards (FTPE), right.

MARIGOT–Newly appointed Préfète Déléguée for St. Martin and St. Barths Sylvie Feucher met President of Fédération des Très Petites Entreprises (FTPE) Jeanne Rogers-Vanterpool during a courtesy visit on Tuesday, July 31, 2018.

The Préfète has been meeting the various representatives of the institutions of the Collectivité and business leaders as part of her familiarization with the workings of the local government. She first met President of the Chamber of Commerce, Angèle Dormoy.

Feucher noted FTPE is an important partner for the harmonious and sustainable development of the territory. The pair discussed FTPE’s role and mission, and the financial, economic, and social situation of St. Martin in the wake of Hurricane Irma, and the outlook for 2019 and 2020.

Rogers-Vanterpool said she was satisfied with the meeting and the Préfète’s approach to the various files that have to be managed and settled. She described her as “frank and honest.”

“Meetings like this help to move St. Martin forward,” Rogers-Vanterpool said.

Source: The Daily Herald