Prime Minister Romeo–Marlin, Minister DeWeever & Minister Wuite attend Fish Day 2018

 President Daniel Gibbs, Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin along with dignitaries of both Dutch & French Governments aboard a traditional fishing vessel laying the wreath at sea in honor of “local fishermen”.


FRENCH CUL DE SAC – On Sunday May 6th, Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin, Minister of Justice Cornelius DeWeever & Minister of Education Culture Youth & Sport Jorien Wuite attended the annual Fish Day Festivities in French Cul-de-sac.

President of the Collectivite of St. Martin Daniel Gibbs, during the Opening Ceremony for Fish Day thanked the three Ministers representing the Government of St Maarten for their presence at the event.

As part of the Opening Ceremony for Fish Day Prime Minister Romeo-Marlin, Minister DeWeever & Minister Wuite were invited to accompany President Gibbs and other invited guest aboard a traditional fishing vessel to lay a wreath at sea. The traditional laying of the wreath at sea, is in honor of fishermen that have passed away and who contributed to the establishment of the fishing tradition and industry on French St. Martin.

The Fish Day Opening Ceremony concluded with a traditional seafood breakfast followed by traditional and cultural activities including steel pan performances and “The Crab Race”.


Source: The Daily Herald