Proposal on table to move away from cessantia

PHILIPSBURG–Moving away from cessantia and promoting mobility of employees by implementing an unemployment benefit fund or pension that travels with employees if they quit employment at a company is one of the changes proposed as part of the overall labour reform process.

  Minister of Health, Labour and Social Affairs VSA Emil Lee said during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament recently that many people stay within “unhappy work relationships” due to the fact that they will lose all of their cessantia benefits.

  He was responding at the time to a question from a Member of Parliament (MP) about whether any changes had been made to the cessantia system in the draft National Ordinance to amend the civil code related to labour reform and some other national regulations on labour.

  Lee said no changes had been made to the cessantia system, only minor semantics, where the word “worker” was replaced with “employee.”

 However, he said that in the consensus document as part of the overall labour reform, changes have been proposed to move away from cessantia and create an unemployment benefit fund that stays with the worker.

  The meeting of the Central Committee was about the draft National Ordinance to amend the civil code related to labour reform and some other national regulations on labour.

Source: The Daily Herald