PSVE administers Spanish exam earlier than scheduled | THE DAILY HERALD

SOUTH REWARD–The parent of a Milton Peters College (MPC) exam student said on Sunday that the National Spanish Exam from the Expertisecentrum voor Toetsen and Examens (ETE) which was scheduled to take place at secondary schools in St. Maarten and in the Netherlands on May 22, had been compromised.

According to the parent, this is because the exam was administered at the Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education (PSVE) section of St. Maarten Academy on May 21, a day before the exam was scheduled to be held.

PSVE Principal Lavern Nelson was unable to comment last night, but promised to provide a comment to The Daily Herald today, Monday.

“The implication of this is that the Spanish exams would have to be annulled for all other schools that took the exam on May 22, 2019, except for the St. Maarten Academy PSVE,” the incensed parent said in a written statement to the media on Sunday.

“Unfortunately, all other schools would have to re-do this Spanish exam during the re-sit period in June-July. This ultimately means that there will not be a final result for those schools because of this situation in time for graduation.

“The major setback is for the student, because those who may have done well on the first exam may not get the same results during the final exam. This is not fair to the students who prepared for the exam for that day. It is unfortunate that there is no announcement from the Minister of Education, neither from the Division of Exams regarding this situation.”

“It is with complete amazement to know that a blunder like this can be made in this day and age with so many checks and balances. I am pleading with the Honourable Minister Wycliffe Smith to look into this matter. The question this remains: why would the principal of St. Maarten Academy PSVE administer the National Spanish Exam the day before it is scheduled?” the parent asked.

The parent said she knew the exam schedule and had been informed by her son that his friends at St. Maarten Academy PSVE did the Spanish exam the day before, noting, “Obviously the exam was discussed.”

Source: The Daily Herald