Public invited to evaluate phone coverage quality | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–In an initiative undertaken with the Préfecture and State Services such as Agence du Numérique, Service de L’Economie du Numérique, Direction Générale des Outre-Mer and Autorité de Regulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), the Collectivité invites the public to contribute to evaluating the quality of mobile telephone coverage in the territory of St. Martin.

Interested persons can give their opinion on the mobile networks in St. Martin by filling in a questionnaire available on The link is also accessible from the Collectivité of St. Martin’s website .

Study of the public’s comments and proposals will identify areas with difficulties in terms of access to mobile phone services, and will reveal mobile coverage problems encountered in these areas.

The Collectivité invites the public to devote a few minutes to this questionnaire before September 12, 2019, so St. Martin can contribute effectively to the guidelines currently being discussed at the national level in this field.

Source: The Daily Herald