Public school teachers finally get resolutions, but info is outdated

PHILIPSBURG–Public school teachers in the county have finally received their resolutions stating that they are working for the government of Country St. Maarten replacing the old ones which said they had been working for the former Island Territory of St. Maarten.


However, although teachers have received the document that they had been waiting on since St. Maarten assumed its new constitutional status on October 10, 2010, many educators are not rejoicing.

Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) President Claire Elshot said many of the resolutions contain outdated data on teachers’ salaries and this can pose a problem for educators in the future if the information is not clarified to organisations such as General Pension Fund APS.

Elshot said many of the resolutions contain salary data from 2010, while many teachers have received increases in their salaries since then. She said this can pose a problem because educators will have to send their resolutions to organizations such as APS, which can in turn calculate the pension of teachers once they retire based on the outdated information. She said the outdated information should be corrected at organizations such as APS to avoid such problems from happening.

WITU has been lobbying for teachers to get their resolutions for the past six years and spanning several Education Ministers who have all promised to get it done during their respective tenures

Source: The Daily Herald Public school teachers finally get resolutions, but info is outdated