RAPF creates two new departments | THE DAILY HERALD

Commissioner of Police Paul Morrison.


 ANGUILLA–The Royal Anguilla Police Force (RAPF) has created two new departments in order to modernise its services. The two departments are the Professional Standards Department (PSD) and the Corporate Development Department (CDD).

Commissioner of Police Paul Morrison says, “When I first took up the post of Commissioner of the Royal Anguilla Police Force, one of the most frequent concerns raised to me by the public was the police lack of confidentiality and consistency in standards of service and behaviour.” Over the last three years many of these concerns have been addressed by training and development of staff and policies and procedures which help guide officers in their decision making. However, we must always look to tackle corruption and bad practices so that we can maintain the relationship we need with the public, built on trust and confidence in order to reduce and tackle crime.”

The role of the PSD is the prevention of misconduct by responding to allegations of misconduct against the RAPF and its officers. The PSD will be responsible for recording, registering and controlling the investigation of complaints against officers; and supervising and controlling the investigation of alleged misconduct within the RAPF through standards of investigation where objectivity, fairness and justice are assured by impartial investigations.

The role of the CDD is to coordinate the RAPF’s improvement programme by providing support and advice to all departments and sections in the force. They will also oversee the development of programmes and strategies that take into account the methods of service delivery to the public thereby ensuring that communities are listened to, understood, informed and protected.

The Commissioner notes that it is the aim of the department to make sure that staff members are motivated, supported, respected and valued, thereby providing the professional service to the public that they deserve. “The job of the police requires officers and staff to be of high standing and accountability. The RAPF Code of Ethics sets out clear standards of behaviour which, if adhered to, will give confidence to the public when reporting incidents or crimes, ensuring that they will be investigated properly and fairly while providing victims with the support they may need,” he said.

Members of the public who wish to make complaints about the police can do so by using a dedicated secure e-mail address or writing or speaking in person to a sergeant or other officer about their concerns. The PSD officers work from a secure, confidential office so that internal investigations can be conducted ethically.

The e-mail address for the PSD is rapf.psd@gov.ai

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/84387-rapf-creates-two-new-departments