RCN applies premium advantage, employees’ salaries up as of Jan. 1 | THE DAILY HERALD


SABA/ST. EUSTATIUS–The gross salaries of civil servants of the Caribbean Netherlands RCN will increase by 3.4 per cent as of January 1, in addition to the agreed increase of 1.75 per cent. This brings the total wage increase in 2019 to 5.15 per cent. RCN discussed the increase with unions on November 29.

With this, the civil servants benefit from the decision of Social Affairs and Employment State Secretary Tamara van Ark that employers’ premiums in the Caribbean Netherlands will decrease with five per cent as of January 1.

The measure is intended to increase wages and thus increase purchasing power without increasing the costs for the employer. Government expects that other employers in the Caribbean Netherlands will also pass on this burden reduction in the wages of their employees.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83593-rcn-applies-premium-advantage-employees-salaries-up-as-of-jan-1