Record 24 parties submit candidate list in Curaçao | THE DAILY HERALD


WILLEMSTAD–In total, 24 political parties registered their candidate list at Curaçao’s Supreme Electoral Council for the March 19 elections, a record-breaking number. However, one submission has since been withdrawn, leaving 23.





Two announced parties ultimately failed to present a list. LKKK’s Josefina Josepha did not show up at all.

  In the case of Edward Koeiman’s “Partido Politiko Kunukero” (PPK), things were different. Koeiman is known as “Rasta Moses” and wears a mask as standard for religious reasons. Because he refused to take it off in the World Trade Center (WTC), he could not be identified and thus could not submit a list.

  Robert de Jesus came without supporters and submitted his list for “Partido Koperavista Patriótiko” (PKP) half an hour before closing time. However, the next day this registration was withdrawn.

  Seven of the 23 remaining parties, “Partido Alternativa Real” (PAR), “Movementu Futuro Kòrsou” (MFK), “Movementu Alsa Nashon” (MAN), “Kòrsou Di Nos Tur” (KDNT), “Partido pa Inovashon Nashonal” (PIN), “Movementu Progresivo” (MP) and “Pueblo Soberano” (PS) are currently represented in Parliament. The other 16 lists must each get 789 voter endorsements during a January 30 and 31 pre-election to be on the March 19 ballot.

  These “newcomers” are: “Kòrsou Un Munisipio Ulandes Nobo” (KUMUN), “Klaridat Akshon Sosial” (KAS), “Movementu un Pueblo pa Progreso” (MPP), “Kòrsou Esun Miho” (KEM), “Partido Aliansa Nobo” (PAN), “Partido Nashonal di Pueblo” (PNP), “Un Kòrsou Nobo” (UKN), “Union i Progreso” (UP), “Un Kambio Pa Kòrsou” (UKPK), “Partido Bienestar Kòrsou” (PBK), “Trabou Pa Kòrsou” (TPK), “Maneho Asertá, Visibel I Sigur” (MAVIS), “Awor Ta Basta” (ATB), “Movementu Kousa Promé” (MKP), “Partido Demokrat” DP and “Kòrsou Vishonario” Vishon.

Source: The Daily Herald