Recovery Bureau staffing moving rapidly | THE DAILY HERALD

POND ISLAND–The staffing process for the country’s Recovery Bureau is progressing “rapidly,” said Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin on Wednesday. 

  A “significant” number of applications has been received for the post of bureau director. The process now moves to the selection committee that will be guided by World Bank hiring procedures. 

  The three highest scoring candidates will be invited for interviews. Thereafter, the most outstanding candidate will be nominated to government for appointment. 

  That nominee and subsequent bureau head will guide a staff of some 20 people who will be responsible for developing and overseeing post-Hurricane Irma rebuilding projects and programmes.

  More vacancies in the bureau are advertised in the local press and online. The prime minister urged qualified St. Maarten residents and St. Maarteners living abroad to apply for the available posts to actively participate in the rebuilding of their country. 

  The bureau will be funded via the World Bank-administrated Dutch Recovery Trust Fund. 

  Tying into the bureau is the National Recovery and Resistance Plan (NRRP) that will be tabled in Parliament by the prime minister tomorrow, Thursday. The plan will serve as a guide for the country’s total recovery. 

  The prime minister called on Parliament before hand “to unite and support” the vital plan put together by a number local and international experts. 

Source: The Daily Herald