‘Reduce and reuse’ night at Buccaneer Bar on Fri. | THE DAILY HERALD

Second ‘reduce’ night at

Buccaneers Bar on Fri.

 PELICAN–Nature Foundation will host a second “Reduce and Reuse” night at Buccaneer Beach Bar starting 6:00pm. Heavy rainfall limited attendance at the previous event.

The Foundation said it wanted everyone to have another option to learn about the harmful impacts of trash and single-use plastics on the environment and how to reduce one’s own single-use plastic output.

Buccaneer Beach Bar and Nature Foundation will have reusable and biodegradable product examples available to show possibilities to go green.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/82670-reduce-and-reuse-night-at-buccaneer-bar-on-fri