Registration has started for the 29th Around the Island Relay Race


SIMPSON BAY—Registration has begun for the 29th Around the Island Relay Race. The 10 leg relay will be contested November 11. Approximately 60 teams of 10 runners each compete with each leg about two-miles long.

“This annual event is one of the biggest sporting event on the island,” said Frits Bus one of the organizers.  “You don’t want to miss this. So get ready make a team, join a team, put your running shoes on and get out to join in this fun event.”

The relay symbolizes the historical division of the Island. Legend has it a Dutchman and a Frenchman started out back to back and walked in different directions around the island.  Where they met defined the border.

“This is race is an event for everyone,” said Bus. “It’s just a two mile run but if you can’t run, a walk -run will do, as long as you can be part of it.”
The relay is made possible by Trisports, Powerade, Indigo Green, Fatum/Guardian Group, Philipsburg Pharmacy, Caribbean Gems and Budget Marine.
The Relay also serves as a fund raiser for the Road Runners. This year the running club will support the “Interscholastic” sporting event.