Removing debris from the seabed at French-side beaches continues

MARIGOT–The Collectivité and Port of Galisbay have implemented, in recent weeks, the clean-up of the sea bed at several public beaches.
The two companies charged with the task – Jbs and Kuka Diver – have been locating boat wrecks and removing debris such as zinc metal sheets and wood, which ended up on the bottom of the Lagoon and on certain beaches of the territory after Hurricane Irma.

Professional divers inspected the French part of the Simpson Bay lagoon and also the beaches of Galisbay, Friar’s Bay, Grand Case and Orient Bay. The first clean-up actions began in early May. The port took charge of the clean-up of Galisbay beach while the Collectivité carried out an initial clean-up phase on Grand Case beach (from the cemetery to the first jetty).

As of Tuesday, the Collectivité began the second clean-up phase from Grand Case jetty to the bay of Grand Case Beach Club, tedious work but necessary for the safety of the bathers. Divers were able to remove many cumbersome objects to secure swimming on these very busy beaches. The next phase will be the clean-up of Friar’s Bay and Orient Bay beaches.

This operation is financed by the Collectivité up to 38,700 euros and is part of the clean-up campaign organised by President Gibbs and his team, from May 10 to June 10, 2018, in preparation for the next hurricane season. The port has paid a sum of 31,600 euros for the survey in the lagoon and the cleaning of the beach of Galisbay.

Source: The Daily Herald