Réserve Naturelle, Compagnons Bâtisseurs new beneficiaries of Rotary Club donations | THE DAILY HERALD

 MARIGOT–Rotary International President Barry Rassin and Governor of District 7020 Dr. Patrick Adizua signed two conventions on Thursday morning at the Divi Little Bay Beach Resort concerning monetary donations distributed by Rotary to benefit association Compagnons Bâtisseurs and the Réserve Naturelle.

  Compagnons Bâtisseurs, a national association which is assisting with reconstruction on the French side and in turn was recommended by Fondation de France, is to receive 45,000 euros for repairs to 30 houses, specifically installing doors and windows fabricated by local insertion company Association d’ Insertion et du Developpement de St. Martin AIDS-M.

  Réserve Naturelle receives 24,250 euros for a project to replant mangroves destroyed by Hurricane Irma. As with Compagnons Bâtisseurs, it is expected unemployed young people will help with the mangrove replanting. Compagnons Bâtisseurs was represented by Project Coordinator Olivier Scherrer, and the Réserve by Director Nicolas Maslach.

  President of Rotary Club St. Martin Nord Jean-Luc De La Haye explained the funds for the two above actions were obtained thanks to four three-star chefs who organised a charity gala dinner on October 15, 2018, in France for 90 guests at 550 euros a head. Proceeds from the dinner were given to the Rotary Club. The funds are also replacing kitchen materials at the Lycée’s catering section, namely providing a pastry oven, fridge and electric cookers for an amount of 11,500 euros.

  De La Haye briefed the Rotary International President on other projects undertaken by Rotary Club St. Martin Nord.

  Director of AIDS-M Jean-Marc Aubry said his association works with disadvantaged or unemployed young people who receive training on fabrication and installation of doors and windows.

  “We work with Compagnons Bâtisseurs and give the young people a job for about a year,” Aubry explained.” We have a workshop where we fabricate the doors and windows and give training on installation. The young people receive some skills which we hope helps them to get a real job.”

  Commented Nicolas Maslach: “This is a very welcome donation for us. We plan to buy a lot of mangrove plants, there are four species of them, to create a nursery or farm of mangrove plants to replenish all the ponds, not just in the Réserve. If we wait for them to grow back naturally it will take 20 to 50 years. This is very good for biodiversity, for the bird life, to have protected areas for them.”

  Barry Rassin was presented with a painting from Gallery Minguet on behalf of Rotary Club St. Martin Nord at the end of the signing ceremony.

  Signing of the conventions was also witnessed by Past District Governor Dr. Victor Gibbs, District Governor Nominee Designate 2021-2022 Louis Wever, Assistant Governor Marcellia Henry, and Rotary member Josiane Artsen-Fleming.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83629-reserve-naturelle-compagnons-batisseurs-new-beneficiaries-of-rotary-club-donations