Revision of civil servants pension in parliament today | THE DAILY HERALD



PHILIPSBURG–Members of Parliament (MPs) will discuss the national ordinance for the revision of civil servants’ pension, amongst other things, during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament today, Tuesday, at 2:00pm.

Minister of General Affairs Leona Romeo-Marlin will be present for the meeting.

Agenda points are approval of the composition of the delegation and provisions for MPs to attend the Saba Day celebration on December 7, amending the national ordinance for civil servants’ pension, amending the national ordinance for the age limit of civil servants, and repealing the long-term allowance regulation of 1943 for pensioners.

The public can follow the deliberations in person at the House of Parliament, which is located across from the Courthouse in Philipsburg.

The session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115, 107.9FM, 98.1FM, , and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten

Source: The Daily Herald