MARIGOT–Bikini Beach held its inauguration party on Thursday, a signal that Sindextour, the company behind the “five-star” restaurants of Kon Tiki, Kakao, Waikiki, Coco, and Bikini are well on track to return Orient Beach to its former glory.
The restaurant has been re-built in accordance with the new reconstruction regulations and has been set back at least 30-metres more away from the water’s edge than before although this is not noticeable at all.
A solid construction in concrete for the kitchen, restrooms and storerooms, looks very secure, as is the construction for the bars. Light materials such as the tables, chairs and umbrellas are easily removable should there be a hurricane threat.
Overall, with the stylish decor and ambience it seemed nothing has changed, and no signs a category five hurricane had ever passed through.
It was understood the restaurant currently has seating for 90 but will be increased to 150. Most of the original employees laid off on the State’s partial activity scheme have got their jobs back.
President Daniel Gibbs at the inauguration with other Vice-Presidents and Territorial Councillors underlined just how important the opening of Bikini is to economic development and tourism.
“This is confirmation that the economy is rebooting,” he said. “The rules, regulations and specifications were implemented and this is what we wanted to see. Now we know that if another Irma returns we can bounce back much quicker. This is a product of what the State also wanted in the rebuilding protocols. So, I’m very happy that Norbert Luftman and his son applied for the total five building permits.”
Asked what the construction news is of the Collectivité’s simpler beach grill huts (carbets) higher up on the beach, he replied: “They have to be rebuilt too but it is a question of financing and question of building a product that is affordable for the tenants. We have not abandoned them but we have had other priorities such as repairing the schools.”
The next restaurant to open will be Kakao in November 2018, followed by Kon Tiki and the others.
Source: The Daily Herald
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