Richardson: Persons on the public roads at night risk being arrested | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–Justice Minister Anna Richardson warned on Tuesday that persons making use of public roads between 8:00pm and 6:00am risk being arrested.

She emphasised that all persons utilising the public roads must be in possession of a valid form of identification (ID) and either a professional travel waiver, personal travel waiver, certificate of exemption or a disaster pass.

“Law enforcement is here to support and enforce the decisions of the EOC [Emergency Operations Center ­– Ed.] as they continue to assess and reassess COVID-19 developments, with the main goal of protecting the population by limiting movement. …

“Many of our residents still appear to not be taking this pandemic as seriously as needed and, as such, are maintaining close proximity, socialising and unnecessary presence on the public roads,” said Richardson.

She “strongly advised” against this behaviour and encouraged persons to remain at home as much as possible.

Richardson thanked Police Chief Carl John and all frontline workers of the Justice Ministry who are “working tirelessly in service of the population of St. Maarten.”

Source: The Daily Herald