Roman Catholic Church installs new committees | THE DAILY HERALD

Newly installed pastoral committees with Father Simon Wilson at centre in the back.  

EUSTATIUS–The Roman Catholic Church of St. Eustatius installed several new pastoral committees at the start of the Advent season on Sunday.

  The committees will oversee various pastoral functions at the church, such as the Union and Communion Committee headed by Reina Lijfrock and the Evangelization and Mission Committee to be led by Maryteresse Lijfrock. The Planning and Structure Building Committee and the Finance Committee will both be led by Ricardo Fortin. There will also be a five-member Working Committee and a Liturgy Committee. Brenda van Putten will head Education and Learning for adults and youth.

  Father Simon Wilson congratulated the new committee members and wished them success.

  The church will hold a variety of events for the holiday season, with dawn Masses from December 16 to December 24. Wilson said there will be no Saturday evening Mass during this period.

  Wilson said the church is looking for daily readers for the dawn Masses and daily breakfast sponsors. Interested persons can contact any of the Liturgical Committee members.

  A Christmas bake sale will take place at the monument on December 16.

  The church is looking for two readers, one commentator and a music operator for Christmas Eve Mass, which will start Monday, December 24, at 10:30pm.

  A Christmas-inspired show will be held on Saturday, December 22, at 7:00pm.

  The Catholic Angels will hold a Mass on Christmas morning, Tuesday, December 25, starting at 9:00am.

  An Old Year’s Eve Mass will be hosted by the Serenity Vocal Ensembles on Monday, December 31, starting at 10:30pm.

Source: The Daily Herald