Rotaract Presidents chair Rotary Sunset’s meeting | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG –Throughout the Rotary calendar year, various themes centred around Rotary’s core values are observed and incorporated in club projects and activities. Various themes and topics are honoured during the month of September as part of the Rotary values.

  As a way to observe New Generations as well as Basic Education and Literacy Month, two focal points of Rotary International, the presidents of the Rotaract Clubs of St. Maarten/St. Martin chaired the meeting of Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset.

  Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise President Lerissa Rey and Rotaract Club of Saint Martin Nord President Diedra Andenas chaired the meeting at Carl’s Unique Inn on September 24. Each president discussed her club’s past, present and future projects, such as the annual Blue Jeans fundraiser at Soggy Dollar Bar and the Hurricane Awareness Mission project.

  Amongst the Rotaractors present at the meeting were Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise Vice-President Gabriel Flanders and Sergeant-at-Arms Micaela Hart, Dahlia François of Rotaract Club of Saint Martin Nord, and two visitors from the Rotaract Clubs of Aruba and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

  Invited guest speaker Rhoda Arrindell spoke about literacy as part of the Basic Education and Literary theme. She discussed various topics surrounding literacy and gave the members an insight into her experiences in and outside of the classroom which moulded and sculpted her views on literacy in the educational system.

  The board and members of Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset thanked guest speaker Arrindell, Presidents Rey and  Andenas, and other visitors for participating in the meeting.

Source: The Daily Herald