Rotary and Lions Clubs create tyre garden at hurricane shelter | THE DAILY HERALD

Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle and St. Maarten Lions Club volunteers at the tyre vegetable garden at the Hurricane Irma transitional shelter in Sucker Garden.


SUCKER GARDEN–In support of the environment and Lions World Environment Day, which was observed June 6, Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle partnered with St. Maarten Lions Club on June 19 for a joint vegetable garden project for persons living in the Hurricane Irma transitional shelter in Sucker Garden.

  The shelter has been managed by Dr. J Foundation since April 2018. The Rotarians, Lions and Leos present all enjoyed planting various seedlings, including tomatoes, peppers and beans. The seedlings were planted in used tyres, which were painted before use.

  Among Rotarians present were District 7020 Governor-elect Louis Wever, public image chair Anjali Manek, President-elect Wayne Wilkie and Secretary Jon Hart.

  The Lions were represented by District Governor-elect of Sub-District 60B Claudio Buncamper, President Alphons Gumbs, First Vice-President Linette Gibs, Second Vice-President John Schaminee, Leos La-Teen Clark, Shantall Zorilla and two Leo volunteers.

  Rotary Club of St, Maarten Mid Isle and St. Maarten Lions Club extended “special thanks” to Dr. J Foundation and residents for their assistance and for allowing the two service clubs to carry out the project at the shelter. Rotarian Tony was thanked for providing bottles of water for the volunteers and the signage for the project.

Source: The Daily Herald