Rouge et Noir casino recently donated computers to Sr. Regina Primary School.
PHILIPSBURG–Rouge et Noir Casino on Sunday responded to concerns expressed in the community about its plans to relocate from its current location to the former Super Plaza building, being close to so-called “sensitive buildings”, and dispelled rumours blaming the establishment “for having issues with contractors.”
The casino said in a press release on Sunday evening that it recently hired a law firm to discuss the possibilities of initiating court action against persons “who started to slander the company who just started managing Rouge et Noir casino.”
The casino said in the release that everything dealing with its request to relocate “the old casino to a new location is within the confines of the country’s laws.”
“When the relocation request was granted, it was clearly indicated by the government that the [Philipsburg Jubilee – Ed.] Library will not be located at its former location. The condition for the relocation also stated that the entrance would not be used for the casino to ensure the 50-metre distance between Sundial School and the casino is adhered to,” it was stated in the release.
Regarding the concern that a building permit was not requested by management, the casino said: “We did not require a building permit as the renovation conducted to the building was done to fit the business needs without any structural changes to the existing Super Plaza building, which was verified by the government department that is responsible for building permits.”
The group currently provides 100 jobs to residents of the island and said it intends to create more when the business reopens under a new name in less than three months. In the meantime, workers are being trained as they prepare to move into the building.
“One other concern had to do with reports that Rouge et Noir casino owes the building owner rent; [this] is false. All monies owed to the owner of the Super Plaza building were paid in a timely manner with all receipts as proof. There is no outstanding to the knowledge of the company,” the release said.
“Construction workers at the Super Plaza building working on behalf of Rouge et Noir casino are 100 per cent insured, and are working under full compliance with labour laws of the land. We as the investors of this business believe that this relocation will benefit the tourism product for the island and the community in many ways.”
The casino recently donated several computers and chairs to several primary schools that were in need of them. “Our core belief is through education, health and sports will a community grow. The group of investors recently hired a law firm to discuss the possibility to bring those persons to court who started to slander the company, who just started managing Rouge et Noir casino. We believe that in time, the community will witness for themselves the plans of the group and accept the important role the casino will play in bringing back life to the Philipsburg area,” the release said.
Source: The Daily Herald
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