Sacha Mussington debuts, a new star in the making | THE DAILY HERALD

Sacha Mussington performing at Java Restaurant on Saturday night. (Robert Luckock photos)

MARIGOT–Java Restaurant on Grand Case Boulevard on Saturday evening hosted the musical debut of Sacha Mussington (16), an emerging and gifted talent who sang in front of assembled print and broadcast media, her parents and invited guests.

The daughter of Alex Mussington from the Collectivité President’s cabinet, Sacha performed flawlessly, singing three songs she had written herself, displaying confidence, passion and maturity beyond her tender years.

It was a show designed to impress. The audience could sense this was a talented songstress chasing her dreams. She opted for two costume changes, the first a casual denim outfit and the second a black dress and heels.

Her first song “Young and Independent” was about her, stressing that she is not scared to fight her battles alone. She disclosed she was a victim of bullying and wanted to get the message across how damaging that is to a young person’s self esteem, the cycle of which often leads to suicides. “Stop that Bullying” was the title of her second song.

During an interval, there were words of encouragement and congratulations from SOS Radio’s Jacques “Billy D” Hamlet and well-established singer Malaïka Maxwell.

“It’s such a pleasure to hear Sacha sing, and to know that the future of St. Martin’s music is in good hands,” said Maxwell. “There are singers who have been around for some time and you hear them over and over again. The question is who is next?

“When we were starting out we didn’t have the social media tools that Sacha’s generation now has, and I think that’s going to be of tremendous help in promoting her career.”

Sacha’s third song “Standing Ovation” focused on her dreams, then she finished off with an encore of “Stop that Bullying”.

Also giving words of encouragement was songwriter Josiah Maccow who has been a mentor to Sacha, teaching her about singing and songwriting.

President Louis Mussington offered his congratulations and pledged to support Sacha and all young musical artistes. He also touched on the scourge of bullying, noting that his own son had been bullied. “Society doesn’t recognise it, but those who are doing the bullying are also in pain and that’s a way of releasing their anguish,” he said.

Sacha describes herself as an R&B artiste, but also blends zouk, reggae and hip-hop into her music. She started singing at five years old. When she was six she joined Natisha Hanson’s “Shining Diamonds” group.

“My first inspiration has always been my dad, because he was a singer,” she confided. “But my heroes today are Beyoncé and Alicia Keyes. My first dream is to be a successful singer and my second dream is to be a midwife, which is what I am studying for now.”

Source: The Daily Herald