Former president and current SCDF member Gina Illidge (centre) represented SCDF and, by extension, St. Maarten during Aruba’s 2017 Carnival festivities. She is pictured here with Stichting Maneho di Aruba su Carnaval (SMAC) President Shannon Henriquez (third from right) and members of Aruba’s Carnival foundation.
PHILIPSBURG–St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) has dispatched some of its members throughout the region to promote St. Maarten’s Carnival during the Carnival festivities on other islands.
SCDF has increased its presence on specific islands over the past few years, which has resulted in an increase in visitor numbers from the region to the festival. Aruba and Curaçao remain at the top of the list of visitors to St. Maarten for Carnival. Carnival-lovers from St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Barbados also rank high in the numbers.
SCDF has put a concerted effort into increasing regional numbers, as these visitors understand and embrace the Carnival culture. The Foundation has or had representation in Curaçao, Aruba and Trinidad for this Carnival cycle.
It also combined those efforts with targeted online marketing in Miami, Atlanta, the Tri-State area (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut) and Boston in the United States.
“When our members travel they reach out to the Carnival organisations in those countries as a sign of respect and to seek working ties and exchange ideas,” SCDF said. “They then get lots of opportunities to promote St. Maarten Carnival on radio and various media, encouraging Carnival-lovers from those destinations to join our fete.
“The results have been great over the past few years and we are eager to build and expand on these relationships as St. Maarten Carnival continues to grow in the region and beyond. This is part of our development and a major festival.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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