Godfrey Baldacchino.
POND ISLAND–World renowned island studies scholar Godfrey Baldacchino will be one of the speakers at the International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Sub-National Island Jurisdictions (SNIJs), which is being co-hosted by University of St. Martin (USM).
Baldacchino is a scholar and researcher who has dedicated considerable efforts and energies to the growing field of island studies and research undertakings which seek to contribute to a greater appreciation for different categories of small island territories. Baldacchino currently serves as a Professor of Sociology and Pro Rector for International Development at the University of Malta and is also the Chair of Island Studies and Sustainability at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada.
The upcoming Conference was the brainchild of Baldacchino and co-chair in Island Studies and Sustainability Dr. Jim Randall. The two were keen on having the conference executed on a SNIJ. “The uniqueness of the bi-national island of St. Maarten was considered to be important and significant in drawing attention to the myriad issues that are at the forefront of debates on non-independent island jurisdictions,” USM said in a press release on Wednesday.
Baldacchino is the sole author or lead co-author of 22 books and monographs and sole editor or lead co-editor of 23 other publications. He is also co-author of more than 120 peer reviewed articles and book chapters. One of his most recent publications is a book chapter co-authored with co-chair of the local organising committee for the conference Arjen Alberts. The book chapter which examines the cases of Aruba, St. Maarten and the United States (US) Virgin Islands, is entitled Resilience and Tourism in Islands: Insights from the Caribbean.
USM said Baldacchino “is a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to anything you need to know about island studies. He can always be relied upon to deliver engaging and up-to-date research material.”
With the deadline for paper submissions approaching on October 1, organisers urge those interested in making paper, panel and poster submissions to submit their abstract contributions for consideration via the conference website:
http://projects.upei.ca/unescochair/call-for-papers/ . For further inquiries, persons can also contact the co-chairs of the local organising committee at email:
Geneve.phillip@usm.sx or Arjen.alberts.sxm@gmail.com .
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/69068-scholar-godfrey-baldacchino-to-speak-at-sids-conference
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