POND ISLAND–The country is to operate normally Wednesday, with government services available to the public, schools open to children and businesses open to customers, government announced on Tuesday evening after a meeting of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on Tropical Storm Isaac.
A decision about school closure, government services, private sector operations for Thursday and whether it is necessary to open shelters will be made in an EOC meeting Wednesday morning and will be communicated via the live Council of Ministers press briefing at 10:00am.
However, police will establish checkpoints throughout the country as of Wednesday and into Thursday for “safety and security” of all.
Water and electricity company GEBE informed the EOC there will be no interruption in water services to Pointe Blanche and Pelican in connection with Isaac. Utility services for the remainder of the country will also continue as normal.
Final garbage pick-up will be 12:00pm Wednesday. The Environment and Infrastructure Ministry VROMI removed discarded zinc sheets from Cole Bay, Cay Bay and St. Peters on Monday and Tuesday. Removal continues Wednesday.
Residents and motorists accessing Beacon Hill are advised by government that there may be some street flooding from high waves in Maho Bay on Thursday. This may also be the case at Kim Sha Beach. The Great Bay beach promenade (Boardwalk Boulevard) may also experience some sea swells that could wash sand onto the promenade.
EOC requests that residents closely monitor Isaac’s progress and use this time to review their disaster supply kits and hurricane preparations.
EOC head Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin addressed misinformation that circulated on Monday and Tuesday that schools would be closed on Wednesday. To avoid misinformation, she urged residents to always consult government channels for official information or credited government information. Channels include Government radio station 107.9FM,
www.meteosxm.com ,
www.sintmaartengov.org or
www.facebook.com/SXMGOV .
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/80519-schools-businesses-to-remain-open-wednesday
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