Schools on French side to remain closed today | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The Préfecture in a decision jointly made with the vice recteur of the two Northern islands decided to close all French-side schools today, Monday, November 7, as the weather was expected to deteriorate overnight on Sunday.

  “The closure of schools in St. Martin will allow the teams of the Collectivité to carry out the work identified in the vicinity of schools in order to secure them,” said the State services in a statement. “St. Barthélemy is not affected by this closure in view of the reduced rainfall over the weekend. An assessment of the impact of bad weather on the buildings will be made and they will be subject to a cleaning necessary to receive students in the best condition.

  “The rainfall in the afternoon proved to be less significant than expected by Méteo-France, but the area of the northern Antilles around St. Martin and St. Barthélemy is still marked by the presence of significant stormy phenomena.”

  The start of All Saints Day (Toussaint) vacation will be on Tuesday, November 8, at the usual times for each school.

Source: The Daily Herald