Seventh-Day Adventists donate safety mirrors to Police in Statia | THE DAILY HERALD

From left: Police officer Marietza Patrick, Chief of Basic Police Care Inspector Robelto Hodge, acting first elder of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Rennetta Mercurius and Roland Lopes of the SDA Ministry Department showing one of the safety mirrors.

ST. EUSTATIUS–Ten safety mirrors were presented to the Police Department in St. Eustatius by the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) church’s harvest in gathering programme. The programme collects funds which are then given to the community, said Roland Lopes of the SDA Ministry Department. This time it was decided to donate 10 safety mirrors to the Police.

From the monies collected, the church also donated US $6,000 to disaster and family relief after the passing of Hurricanes Irma and Maria last year. The funds were divided among persons in Statia and Saba who sustained damages to the roofs of their homes.

Chief of Basic Police Care Inspector Robelto Hodge said the police were approached by the church to see what was urgently needed. Chief Hodge said the mirrors will be placed at blind intersections on the island.

“These mirrors will save lives, and part of the Police Department’s duty is providing safety. We are tasked with the role to secure the safety of the public on the roads,” he said.

The mirrors will be placed at blind sections of roads, such as at Lampeweg and Korthalsweg, by the entrance to Cranston Sports Field, as well as on Christopher Glover Road and Lolita Euson Road, for example.

Hodge he was grateful for the donation on behalf of the community of Statia. He thanked the SDA church on behalf of Chief of Caribbean Netherlands Police Force KPCN Jose Rosales and the entire Police Department.

Lopes said the process in acquiring the mirrors was not difficult. The mirrors were ordered at Rivers Enterprises, which made sure the mirrors arrived safely and intact on the island.

Source: The Daily Herald