Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin chaired a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on Tuesday in her capacity as Regional Authorising Officer (RAO) for the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), a post St. Maarten has held since 2015.
The objective of this last of four regional preparation meetings was to finalise the programming phase for the Caribbean OCTs Sustainable Energy, Coastal Management and Resilience and to commit on a ministerial level to the priorities and budget allocations. Main topic on a technical level was the so-called “Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF). Countries insured via CCRIFF received financial support to respond to the damage and the needs of people within days after last season’s Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The overall programme will also render support to OCTs, including St. Maarten, to start or further transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources and management of coastal zones. Leaders of several Caribbean countries signed on to the programme; others are expected to do so in the coming days. In Photo: Turks and Caicos Islands Premier Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson signs the endorsement letter with Romeo-Marlin.
Source: The Daily Herald
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