SMDF updates COM on its work | THE DAILY HERALD

SMDF representatives with some members of the Council of Ministers.

 PHILIPSBURG–St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) took a pause from its regular activities to meet with the Council of Ministers (COM) recently. In the meeting, SMDF formally updated ministers of the organisation’s work in 2018 and its goals for 2019.

The presentation included insight into SMDF’s scope of work and updates on the activities of the 23 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) currently funded by SMDF. The agency also provided an update on its elderly project, which has financed the construction of 16 new homes and executed repairs to 76 existing homes.

As an organisation that receives direct subsidy from the government of St. Maarten, SMDF regularly provides updates of its activities via its quarterly financial and annual audited financial reports.

Present on behalf of SMDF were supervisory board chairwoman Richelda Rodriguez-Emmanuel, SMDF Managing Director Keith Franca and Programme and Development Manager Makhicia Brooks.

Source: The Daily Herald