Soldier of Orange award given to Mélanie Choisy | THE DAILY HERALD

From left: Anne Maljers, Karna Hazelhoff Castellon, Mélanie Choisy, Fleur Hermanides, Fred Boot, caretaker Minister Plenipotentiary Jorien Wuite. (Marco de Swart photo).

PHILIPSBURG–Mélanie Choisy of St. Maarten’s Be the Change Foundation received the Soldier of Orange award from the hand of Karna Hazelhoff Castellon, Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema’s daughter.

Every year the Soldier of Orange Fund, which is part of Oranje Fonds, awards young people for addressing a social problem within their community, “just like the original Soldier of Orange, Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, did in his day,” according to a press release.

Mélanie Choisy co-founded Be the Change Foundation in 2012 with her aunt Erika Cannegieter. Every month, the foundation selects a non-governmental organisation (NGO) project and raises money through crowd-funding to support the selected project. The foundation also creates awareness on a variety of issues, such as poverty, culture, and the environment.

After her aunt passed away, Mélanie started the Erika Cannegieter Scholarship Fund, which financially supports young persons during their studies.

After St. Maarten was severely hit by Hurricane Irma in 2017, Mélanie got to work and contributed with the distribution of drinking water and supplies for people in need.  

“Because of all her initiatives and tremendous involvement, Mélanie has become a local celebrity that is greatly loved in St. Maarten,” said Oranje Fonds on Monday.

“All that Mélanie has accomplished with her tireless efforts in St. Maarten is of great importance to the island’s community. It makes me very proud that we may reward her for that with this beautiful prize,” said Oranje Fonds President Peter Douwes.

“Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema stood up for his ideals and dedicated himself to society. Mélanie Choisy does precisely that. We are very proud to be able to support Mélanie’s efforts with the Soldier of Orange Fund,” said Fred Boot, who is one of the producers of “Soldier of Orange – The Musical.”

Oranje Fonds supports social initiatives in the Netherlands and the Dutch Caribbean. When launching their musical in 2010, the producers of “Soldier of Orange – The Musical” established the Soldier of Orange Fund under the umbrella of Oranje Fonds.

The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize of 5,000 euros.

Source: The Daily Herald