Some 302 students to get scholarships

MARIGOT–The Executive Council has validated the co-financing from European Social Funds (ESF) requested by Direction de L’Education du Pole Devéloppement Humain for scholarships in the 2016-2017 academic year.

  The total cost of the action is 601,744.87 euros. The amount includes the personnel cost of those assigned to the Scholarship Committee.  ESF is participating for 85 per cent, thus 511, 483.14 euros, while the Collectivité contributes 15 per cent, 12, 561.24 euros, but is reimbursed later by ESF for this latter amount. Of the 388 applications submitted, 302 were judged eligible from 210 female students and 92 male students.

  Some 269 students are inscribed for License or in training for the Baccalaureate +2, 20 students in Master’s 1 and 13 students in Master’s 2. The Territorial Scholarship programme put in place by the Collectivité assists young St. Martin students who are leaving the territory to pursue their post-Bac studies. Six types of scholarships are proposed to students; social criteria, Sciences Po, Master’s 2, Doctorate, incentive scholarship, and scholarship for foreign students capped at 2,500 euros. Also in the context of European Social Funds, the Executive Council unanimously approved the grant for the 2014-2020 period. This grant is placed under the authority of the Préfet of the Guadeloupe Region for its management and amounts to a total of 10 million 315,700 euros. The Collectivité has chosen to focus its actions on youth employment and professional training for job seekers at the remote end of the labour market. To date, 32 applications for subventions were submitted with 29 receiving approval at a cost to ESF of 3 million, 505,776 euros. Two other files were approved, one relating to a higher education scholarship in the amount of 511,483 euros, and the other to accompanying the creation or resumption of a business for 52,596 euros. The total amount for ESF for these tow files was 564,079 euros.

Source: The Daily Herald