Sons of American Revolution, STDF to collaborate in promoting Statia | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Eustatius Director of Tourism Charles Lindo (left) with National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution’s ambassador to the Caribbean Richard Bryant.




 ST. EUSTATIUS–Through a collaboration of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and the St. Eustatius Tourism Development Foundation (STDF), St. Eustatius is to be regularly promoted by way of articles and other promotional activities.

  The first of such activities took place in September, when the island’s history and the upcoming Statia Day activities were featured in SAR Magazine.

  SAR is the largest male lineage organisation in the United States. It comprises 50 societies with more than 500 local chapters and several international societies, including in Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All of its more than 37,000 members will receive the magazine in print or electronically.

  SAR has promoted Statia on a regular basis since the presentation of a plaque by SAR President Joe Dooley on Statia Day 2014 and through presentations by SAR ambassador to the Caribbean Richard Bryant.

  Bryant gave special thanks to Statia’s Tourism Director Charles Lindo for his partnership in this project.

Source: The Daily Herald