South Omega Leo Club honours schoolteachers | THE DAILY HERALD

From left to right: Leo Allendale “Boogie” Etienne, St. Maarten Vocational School director Rita Gumbs, Leo Secretary Tomeeka Matthew.


From left to right: Leo Nichele Smith-Abreu, Leo Secretary Tomeeka Matthew, Chanine Valies, Ms. Lechardes Browne, Edwina David, Leo VP Elisha Dolor.

PHILIPSBURG–Members of St. Maarten South Omega Leo Club recently visited St. Maarten Vocational Training School and Sister Borgia Elementary School to show appreciation to the hardworking and dedicated teachers.

The schools were presented with a heart-shaped box filled with goodies along with a framed Appreciation Certificate specially designed by the Leo Club. The teachers were excited and gladly accepted their goodies, Club President Leo Stephania Decembre-Prescod said.

  “We don’t know all the circumstances that they are facing especially in our rapidly-changing world and environment but they are there every day to guide our children towards success,”  Decembre-Prescod stated. “We want to let our teachers know that we do see them at work and we value them.”

  The director of St. Maarten Vocational School, Rita Gumbs, and the Principal and Teachers of Sister Borgia Elementary School, both thanked the members of St. Maarten South Omega Leo Club for their kind and thoughtful gesture of love and appreciation.

Source: The Daily Herald